Search code examples

Conditionals or variables within a logstash block

Within some logstash configuration, I'd like to conditionally set the value of one field within a configuration block, without having to repeat the entire block.

So for example, I've got two http outputs with very similar settings:

output {
    if "foo" in [tags] {
        http {
            url => ""
            http_method => "post"
            follow_redirects => true
            keepalive => false
            connect_timeout => 20
            cookies => true
    } else {
        http {
            url => ""
            http_method => "post"
            follow_redirects => true
            keepalive => false
            connect_timeout => 20
            cookies => true

what's the best way of avoiding repeating the content of those two blocks, and just changing the single field that I'm interested in? I was hoping I could either set a variable and use that within the block, or use an if within the block, but couldn't find an example of either.

I was looking for something like the following sort of thing (which is invalid configuration):

output {
    http {
        if "foo" in [tags] {
            url => ""
        } else {
            url => ""
        http_method => "post"
        follow_redirects => true
        keepalive => false
        connect_timeout => 20
        cookies => true


  • Set a variable in your filter{} section (mutate->add_field, perhaps) and then refer to that variable in your output stanza, e.g.:

    url => "%{myField}"

    If you don't want to store the variable in elasticsearch, use metadata in both places, e.g.:
