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Creating a color map / heatmap in Matlab / Octave

I'm using Octave 3.8.1 which is like Matlab and I'm trying to create a color map / heatmap to look something like this


I have an array a1 where the 1st col is x, the 2nd col is y and the 3rd col is intensity. I know I can plot a 2d plot using plot(x,y) but how do I add / show the intensity (the 3rd col) in the plot.

[225.512    2.64537 0.00201692
225.512 2.64537 0.00201692
226.94  1.59575 0.00225557
226.94  1.59575 0.00225557
227.31  1.70513 0.002282
227.31  1.70513 0.002282
227.729 5.34308 0.00205535
227.729 5.34308 0.00205535
227.975 5.12741 0.001822
227.975 5.12741 0.001822]

Full dataset is located here

Please note that this is just sample data.


  • a1=
    [225.512 2.64537 0.00201692
    225.512  2.64537 0.00201692
    226.94   1.59575 0.00225557
    226.94   1.59575 0.00225557
    227.31   1.70513 0.002282
    227.31   1.70513 0.002282
    227.729  5.34308 0.00205535
    227.729  5.34308 0.00205535
    227.975  5.12741 0.001822
    227.975  5.12741 0.001822]

    In order to plot your heatmap, you need to intensity data as an image (i.e. a 2D matrix). Then you can just plot it using imagesc or imshow.

    In order to do that you'll need to first get a 2D matrix of x values (X), and a corresponding 2d matrix of y values (Y) so that you can interpolate a grid of z values (Z).

    x = a1(:,1);
    y = a1(:,2)
    z = a1(:,3)
    n = 256;
    [X, Y] = meshgrid(linspace(min(x),max(x),n), linspace(min(y),max(y),n));
    Z = griddata(x,y,z,X,Y);
    %// Remove the NaNs for imshow:
    Z(isnan(Z)) = 0;

    you might want to normalize Z to range from 0 (or in the case of this data, to make the lowest non-zero value equal to zero) to 1 to improve the constrast:

    m = min(Z(Z~=0));
    M = max(Z(Z~=0));