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Is there a way of Running mongod from webstorm (mac)

In this thread: Running mongod.exe from webstorm

it points that mongo4idea shall do the trick, however, mongo4idea is only replacing the mongo shell. It means that the mongod service should be up and running before we use the mongo4idea plugin.

Is there a way for WebStorm/IntelijIdea etc... to start the server automatically?

Currently I'm starting the server manually using: mongod --dbpath /some/path/to/data


  • You can easily do this using External tools (Settings/Tools/External Tools), add a new tool, specify path/to/mongod as a 'Program', --dbpath /some/path/to/data - as 'Parameters', choose menus you's like to add this action to in 'Show in' section. Note that you can also assign a shortcut to your tool in Settings/Keymap/External Tools/External Tools/<your tool name>