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Splitting list in prolog based on condition

I have a list


My objective is to split it into


the predicate i have implemented so far



Sorry for the noob question learning prolog.


  • This can be approached very similarly to your other problem. Here are the related ideas.

    You're going to need to keep a running list of repeated elements since your results have counters. So consider an auxiliary predicate that includes the current running list of repeats. This kind of "running list" is commonly used in Prolog and referred to as an accumulator.

    split(L, C) :-
        split(L, [], C).   % Start repeat list accumulator at []

    Now you'll need to consider a few different cases:

    split([], _, []).                 % This is an easy one!

    This says that if I compress an empty list, I get an empty list.

    split([H], A, [[H|A]]).           % This is an easy one!

    This one says if I gather a list of one element and my current running repeat list is A, then the result is [[H|A]].

    split([H, H|T], A, TC) :-

    This is the case where I have a running repeat list, A, and the element is still repeating. The result is going to be a list TC but I don't know what it looks like yet since we're still in a repeating cycle and it will need to be determined through recursion. What should this predicate look like? The recursive call to split1 which will be needed in this clause will have a new accumulator list. What does it look like?.

    split([H1, H2|T], A, [[H1|A]|TC]) :-
        dif(H1, H2),

    This is the case where I have a running repeat list, A, and the repeating stops at H1. Since the repeating of the current cycle ends with H1, we know the result looks like [[H1|A]|TC] because the repeat cycle has finished with H1, and the entire repeating list is H1 with tail A (which just prepends H1 to A, and they're all the same element). We just have yet to determine the rest of the list TC through recursion. What should this predicate implementation look like?

    There are other ways of doing the above logic (e.g., with -> and ; construct, etc), but this will keep it simple.

    Try to think of these as rules where the head of the predicate clause is the assertion which will be true if the following elements of the clause are true. And think recursively.

    As an afterthought, this could be done without a separate accumulator by using the result to carry the accumulator:

    split([], []).
    split([H], [[H]]).
    split([H1,H2|T], [[H1]|R]) :-
        dif(H1, H2),
        split(...).                 % left as an exercise
    split([H,H|T], [[H|TH]|R]) :-
        split(...).                 % left as an exercise