I have a label and i want to change it's color: so i'm doing this: i have my form class in zend:
$this->addElement('text','name',array('label' => 'Name Event'));
and here is my decorator:
class OrarLib_Form_Decorator_EditLabel extends Zend_Form_Decorator_Abstract
protected $html = '<div class = "label"> %s </div>';
public function init()
public function render($content)
$label = $this->getElement()->getLabel();
return sprintf($this->html, $label, $content);
And the problem is that my textbox disappear when i use this decorator. I'm using Zend framework. I'm not so good, what i'm doing wrong ?
I think you forgot to concate $content like this:
class OrarLib_Form_Decorator_EditLabel extends Zend_Form_Decorator_Abstract
protected $html = '<div class = "label"> %s </div>';
public function init()
public function render($content)
$label = $this->getElement()->getLabel();
$markup = sprintf($this->html, $label);
$placement = $this->getPlacement();
$separator = $this->getSeparator();
switch ($placement) {
case self::PREPEND:
return $markup . $separator . $content;
case self::APPEND:
return $content . $separator . $markup;
Now try this:
$this->getElement("name")->addDecorator(array('EditLabel', array('placement' => 'append'));
If you want to know more check out this: