Search code examples
loopbackjsstrongloop Not In query

I'm trying to do a not in query in But couldn't find any feature related to that. Here is what I have tried:

        where: {
            name: {
                like: '%' + searchTerm + '%'
            id: {
                neq: [1,2,3]
        limit: 15
    }, function(err, searchResults) {...}

And in fact the query generated is:

'SELECT `id`,`name`,`ref` FROM `Product` WHERE `name` LIKE \'%iPh%\' AND `id`!=1, 2, 3 ORDER BY `id` LIMIT 15' }

I know we can check

field in (n1,n2,...)

using But I can't get the 'not in' case.

Anybody has come across this scenario before?


  • You were using neq which in indeed used for not equals as provided by you. To use Not In operator, we must use nin. Check the documentation again, there is a table with operators with their description

        where: {
            name: {
                like: '%' + searchTerm + '%'
            id: {
                nin: [1,2,3]
        limit: 15
    }, function(err, searchResults) {...}