I get this error only on minified code (production). bug was created when I add 'controller' function inside formly.. Please look up my code, maybe you will see some bug.. Any tips will be useful ;)
Dependencies: "angular-formly": "~7.1.2", "angular-formly-templates-bootstrap": "~6.1.0",
My code of controller:
.controller('NSearchBoxOnResultsController', ($rootScope) ->
@formFields =
type: 'form_with_own_classes'
key: 'q'
defaultValue: @resultAsValue
type: 'string'
label: ''
placeholder: I18n.t('homepage.placeholder')
wrapper_class: 'row input--primary modal__center-items search search_query'
input_container_class: 'col-xs-12'
onKeypress: ($viewValue, $modelValue, scope, event) =>
if event?.which == 13
controller: ($scope, $rootScope) =>
@scope = $scope
@rootScope = $rootScope
@rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', (newValue, oldValue) =>
if @scope.options?.formControl
@hash = window.location.hash.split('/')
@queryFromHash = @hash.slice(2, @hash.length).join('/')
@resultAsValue = decodeURIComponent(@queryFromHash)
@submit = =>
window.location = "/search/#all/#{@search.q}"
you need to explicitly inject $rootScope:
instead of ($rootScope) -> {code...}
['$rootScope', ($rootScope) -> {code...}]
Otherwise, the '$rootScope' dependency is implied from the variable name. As $rootScope becomes $t during your minification angular implies you want to inject '$t' which doesnt exist.
google ng-annotate which automatically 'explicifies' your injections.
edit: I'm not familiar with coffeescript, so please bear with me :)