I have two tables, described as below.
Table 1: countries
c_id, int
c_name, varchar(20) (PK)
Sample records in this table are.
c_id | c_name
1 | USA
2 | UK
3 | PAK
Table 2: immigrants
i_id, int
i_name, varchar(20)
i_country, int (FK)
Sample records in this table are.
i_id | i_name | i_country
1 | John | 1
2 | Graham | 2
3 | Ali | 3
Question 1:
I want to create two classes (tables) in OrientDB but I need to know what should be the data type of the FK field and what to insert in it. I mean what should I write in query to insert the id of the PK table. Does it need to be @rid? How?
What is the OrientDB SQL for producing the following output.
i_id | i_name | i_country | c_id | c_name
1 | John | 1 | 1 | USA
2 | Graham | 2 | UK
3 | Ali 3 | PAK
with OrientDB you can avoid the creation of FK fields and join operations by using direct Edge links between records. For example:
create class Country extends V;
create class Immigrant extends V;
create class comesFrom extends E;
create property Country.c_id integer;
create property Country.c_name String;
create property Immigrant.i_id integer;
create property Immigrant.i_name String;
insert into Country(c_id, c_name) values (1, USA);
insert into Country(c_id, c_name) values (2, UK);
insert into Country(c_id, c_name) values (3, PAK);
insert into Immigrant(i_id, i_name) values (1, John);
insert into Immigrant(i_id, i_name) values (2, Graham);
insert into Immigrant(i_id, i_name) values (3, Ali);
Now you can connect directly the record you want (I used an Edge called 'comesFrom' and subqueries to link the id fields but you could also directly use the @RID field)
create edge comesFrom from (select from Immigrant where i_id = 1) to (select from Country where c_id = 1);
create edge comesFrom from (select from Immigrant where i_id = 2) to (select from Country where c_id = 2);
create edge comesFrom from (select from Immigrant where i_id = 3) to (select from Country where c_id = 3);
Finally you can query the fields you want without join operations:
select i_id, i_name, out('comesFrom').c_id as c_id, out('comesFrom').c_name as c_name
from Immigrant unwind c_id, c_name
# |@CLASS|i_id|i_name|c_id|c_name
0 |null |1 |John |1 |USA
1 |null |2 |Graham|2 |UK
2 |null |3 |Ali |3 |PAK
In Orient Studio you should obtain a graph like this: