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Using Platypus to create Mac OS X applications from a perl script

Is it possible to get user input when using Platypus to build an application from a script?

I have a simple perl script. Which if I run from terminal, it asks for user input. But when I build an application file with Platypus, only the script's output is displayed.


  • The documentation is clear on this, no bi-directional communication; see

    That leaves you with a few workarounds;

    • Use and expect script to inject your inputs;
    • Update your script to take arguments, which is a feature supported by platypus;
    • If you need to add more dynamic information, consider using a TK dialog to query for user input;
    • On mac you can use an osascript to call a dialog with minimum code;

    OSA Script Example

    #!/usr/bin/env perl
    use strict;
    sub osascript($) { system 'osascript', map { ('-e', $_) } split(/\n/, $_[0]); }
    sub dialog {
      my ($text, $default) = @_;
            tell app "System Events"
                text returned of (display dialog "$text" default answer "$default" buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title "$(basename $0)")
            end tell
    my $result = dialog("Life, the universe and everything?", "42");

    enter image description here