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How to use custom templates in Swagger

I have this JavaJaxRs dictionary with my templates:


I edited some of them. And want to use them for my API generation (Code was inspired from this approach from

    System.out.println("Generating API for: " + location);
    DefaultGenerator generator = new DefaultGenerator();
    Swagger swagger = new SwaggerParser().read(location);
    CodegenConfig config = CodegenConfigLoader.forName(this.language);
    config.setOutputDir(new File(this.apiGeneratedSrcPath).getPath());

    if (null != templateDirectory) {
        config.additionalProperties().put(TEMPLATE_DIR_PARAM, templateDirectory);
    if (null != modelPackage) {
        config.additionalProperties().put(MODEL_PACKAGE_PARAM, modelPackage);
    if (null != apiPackage) {
        config.additionalProperties().put(API_PACKAGE_PARAM, apiPackage);
    if (null != invokerPackage) {
        config.additionalProperties().put(INVOKER_PACKAGE_PARAM, invokerPackage);

    if (configOptions != null) {
        for (CliOption langCliOption : config.cliOptions()) {
            if (configOptions.containsKey(langCliOption.getOpt())) {

    if (null != configurationFile) {
        Config genConfig =;
        if (null != genConfig) {
            for (CliOption langCliOption : config.cliOptions()) {
                if (genConfig.hasOption(langCliOption.getOpt())) {
                    config.additionalProperties().put(langCliOption.getOpt(), genConfig.getOption(langCliOption.getOpt()));
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unable to read configuration file");

    ClientOptInput input = new ClientOptInput().opts(new ClientOpts()).swagger(swagger);


Somehow i always get the code generated with the standard template file.


When i remember correctly i had a conditional bug on:

if(null != templateDirectory)
    config.additionalProperties().put(TEMPLATE_DIR_PARAM, templateDirectory);

or somewhere else but with the right condition, code was working as intended.

I let the question stay here, maybe it will help some other users.


  • You can get the help options for the code generator like such:

    java -jar swagger-codegen-cli.jar help generate

    Which should tell you that you can override the template location with the -t parameter:

    java -java swagger-codegen-cli.jar generate -l {language} -t path/to/templates