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How to complete this python function to save in the same folder?

I am trying to write my first real python function that does something real. What i want to accomplish is searching a given folder, and then open all images and merging them together so they make a filmstrip image. Imagine 5 images stacked on top of eachother in one image.

I have this code now, which should be pretty much ok, but propably needs some modification:

import os
import Image

def filmstripOfImages():

    imgpath = '/path/here/'
    files = glob.glob(imgpath + '*.jpg')

    imgwidth = files[0].size[0]
    imgheight = files[0].size[1]
    totalheight = imgheight * len(files)

    filename = 'filmstrip.jpg'
    filmstrip_url = imgpath + filename

    # Create the new image. The background doesn't have to be white
    white = (255,255,255)
    filmtripimage ='RGB',(imgwidth, totalheight),white)  
    row = 0
    for file in files:
        img =

        left = 0
        right = left + imgwidth
        upper = row*imgheight
        lower = upper + imgheight
        box = (left,upper,right,lower)
        row += 1

        filmstripimage.paste(img, box)
    try:, 'jpg', quality=90, optimize=1)
    except:, 'jpg', quality=90)")

How do i modify this so that it saves the new filmstrip.jpg in the same directory as I loaded the images from? And it probably has some things that are missing or wrong, anybody got a clue?

Related question: How to generate a filmstrip image in python from a folder of images?


  • It is not an answer to your question, but It might be helpful:

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    from PIL import Image
    def makefilmstrip(images, mode='RGB', color='white'):
        """Return a combined (filmstripped, each on top of the other) image of the images.
        width  = max(img.size[0] for img in images)
        height = sum(img.size[1] for img in images)
        image =, (width, height), color) 
        left, upper = 0, 0
        for img in images:
            image.paste(img, (left, upper))
            upper += img.size[1]
        return image
    if __name__=='__main__':
        # Here's how it could be used:
        from glob import glob
        from optparse import OptionParser
        # process command-line args
        parser = OptionParser()
        parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="file",
                          help="write combined image to OUTPUT")
        options, filepatterns = parser.parse_args()
        outfilename = options.file
        filenames = []
        for files in map(glob, filepatterns):
            if files:
                filenames += files
        # construct image
        images = map(, filenames)    
        img = makefilmstrip(images) 


    $ python -o output.jpg *.jpg