The following is the overriden dispatchDraw in a subclass of SurfaceView. I'm trying to change the parameters of the Surface(getting only a subsection of the video preview.
public void dispatchDraw (Canvas canvas) {
Log.d(TAG,"**************inside dispatchDraw************");
int VIEW_WIDTH = canvas.getWidth();
int VIEW_HEIGHT = canvas.getHeight();
Log.d(TAG,"**************inside dispatchDraw************" + Integer.toString(VIEW_WIDTH) + " ," + Integer.toString(VIEW_HEIGHT));
int newWidth = 400;
int newHeight = 240;
float scaleWidth = ((float) newWidth) / VIEW_WIDTH;
float scaleHeight = ((float) newHeight) / VIEW_HEIGHT;
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.postScale(scaleWidth, scaleHeight);
Log.d(TAG,"**************inside dispatchDraw-after super************");
Why does the above code not alter the dimensions of the SurfaceView at all?
Because SurfaceView does not use the view hierarchy's Canvas to draw.