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pass a value from gsp to controller

I have something like this

<g:each in="${category}" status="i" var="cat">
   <li class="demo_li"><g:link action="listGame"><img id= "icon" src="${resource(dir: 'icons', file: "${cat.icon}")}"><div>${cat.categoryName}</div></g:link></li>

I want to pass the value of ${cat.categoryName} to the controller if i click on it how do I do this?


  • The Grails g:link tag has a params attribute you can use to pass parameters to a controller action. The params is a Map. Lets say you name the parameter categoryName. You'd specify it like this:

    <g:link action="listGame" params="${[categoryName: cat.categoryName]}">..</g:link>

    In your controller's listGame() action you can access the parameter like this: params.categoryName