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Java/Netbeans -- Reference a jTextfield dynamically?

Not sure if this is even remotely possible, but...

I have a jFrame with 10 different Textfields. Elequently named tf1, tf2, tf3...

What I'd LOVE to do is be able to reference them dynamically. Something like:

int i = 1;

while (i<11) {
    tf[i].settext("blah - " + i);

Any ideas? If anybody knows of a working example it'd be great.


  • If you want to set the text of all the textfields in a JFrame:

    Component ca[] = getContentPane().getComponents();
    System.out.println("ca = " + Arrays.toString(ca));
    int i = 0;
    for(Component c: ca) {
        if(JTextField.class.isAssignableFrom(c.getClass())) {
            JTextField tf = (JTextField) c;
            tf.setText("blah -"+(++i));