Here is how I usually write the compile task:
<compc keep-generated-actionscript="true"
include-classes="Class1 Class2 com.package.Class3"
output="${module.output.dir}/output.swc" fork="${flex.fork}" maxmemory="256m">
<source-path path-element="${module.basedir}/src"/>
What I'm looking for is a way to compile the entire director of classes without having to specify each class. I'm sure there's already an option for that, but I couldn't figure out the exact syntax.
Thank you in advance!
Ok, thanks to Rick Herrick, I found the answer:
<compc output="${module.output.dir}/output.swc" fork="${flex.fork}" maxmemory="256m">
<source-path path-element="${module.basedir}/src"/>
<include-sources dir="${module.basedir}/src" includes="*" />
Taken from: How can I automate the building of a Flex component library?