I am trying to fetch a list of all issues in my name and having severity as MAJOR
I tried API and it is not accepting two parameters and complain that not supported. Please help how to read list of issues?
I am using reference form below site http://docs.sonarqube.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=2392181#WebService/api/issues-GetaListofIssues
C:\cURL\bin>curl.exe -X GET -v -u admin:admin http://localhost.com:9000/ap
You have a problem with execution of CURL
(not with SonarQube API). &
is a special character in shell. You should use quotes (curl params "url"
curl -X GET -v -u admin:admin "http://localhost.com:9000/api/issues/search?severities=MAJOR,CRITICAL&assignees=nits&pageSize=-1"
or escape special characters (\&
curl -X GET -v -u admin:admin http://localhost.com:9000/api/issues/search?severities=MAJOR,CRITICAL\&assignees=nits\&pageSize=-1