I used to use IntelliJ 14 with the -Dhidpi=true flag in the vmoptions file and didn't have any problems with the scaling. I've just upgraded to 15 and it features "True HiDPI" but it doesn't seem to work on my Surface Pro 3. I chose to import my options from my previous build but I've checked the new vmoptions file and that flag wasn't copied over. The JetBrains site mentions that the flag isn't required anymore anyway. I've looked through the settings dialogs and the only relevant option seems to be the anti-aliasing settings which are defaulted to subpixel (sounds fine to me). Anyone have an idea how to get back to the 14-era scaling? Thanks.
Try changing "Override the default fonts by..." setting in Appearance & Behavior => Appearance tab. It scaled the menu and icons accordingly for me.