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Using cookies with Struts 2 and Struts

I've got the following (shortened) struts2 action:

public class MyAction extends BaseAction implements CookiesAware {

  public String execute() {

    if (cookiesMap.containsKey("BLAH"))

      return "success";

  // For handling cookies
  Map<String, String> cookiesMap;
  public void setCookiesMap(Map<String, String> cookiesMap) {
    this.cookiesMap = cookiesMap;

I get a null pointer exception when i do 'cookiesMap.containsKey' - it seems to me that setCookiesMap isn't being called. I've implemented the CookiesAware interface so i would have thought that it should be getting called - have i missed something here?



  • It appears that struts only supports reading cookies, you have to go to the servlet response to actually set a cookie.

    In the end, i've opted to bypass the struts2 cookie support entirely and go directly to the servlet request/response objects for both reading and writing:

    public class MyAction extends ActionSupport implements ServletResponseAware, ServletRequestAware {
      public int division;
      public String execute() {
        // Load from cookie
        for(Cookie c : servletRequest.getCookies()) {
          if (c.getName().equals("cookieDivision"))
        // Save to cookie
        Cookie div = new Cookie("cookieDivision", String.format("%d",division));
        div.setMaxAge(60*60*24*365); // Make the cookie last a year
        return "success";
      // For access to the raw servlet request / response, eg for cookies
      protected HttpServletResponse servletResponse;
      public void setServletResponse(HttpServletResponse servletResponse) {
        this.servletResponse = servletResponse;
      protected HttpServletRequest servletRequest;
      public void setServletRequest(HttpServletRequest servletRequest) {
        this.servletRequest = servletRequest;

    And there's no configuration required for this method in either struts.xml or web.xml, which is a bonus. So i'm happy with this solution, even if it does paint struts2 in a poor light.