Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/owner/Desktop/2/", line 1, in <module>
import os, winshell
File "C:\py35\lib\site-packages\", line 30, in <module>
import win32con
ImportError: No module named 'win32con'
I've seen:
But I installed pywin32 64 bit separately and done it via the exe:
So how about: Why does pip install winshell not work on Python v3.4.2?
Err, no. I Installed it separtely.
I then went to see: What's win32con module in python? Where can I find it?
I need to know: What do I need to do to get winshell to work. I have manually installed pywin32 (64bit), I ran the exe for pywin32 (64bit) and completed it successfully, I then proceeded to CMD and did:
cd c:\py35\scripts
pip install winshell
The install completed successfully. However, importing winshell still doesn't work!
IT WORKED AT LAST What I did: Run CMD with elevated privileges and commands:
cd pathto\pythondirectory\scripts -install
Turns out that this would not have run and the DLLs would not have copied over correctly if you didn't have full admin.
Also a very notable page: