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Timer Not Stopping When Supposed To Swift 2

I have coded my timer with the idea in mind that when my timer reaches 10, it stops. But for some reason, it doesn't.

import Foundation
import UIKit

class SinglePlayer: UIViewController {
    var timerCount = 0.0
    @IBOutlet weak var timer: UILabel!
    var timerVar = NSTimer()

    func isCounting() {
        timerCount += 0.1
        timer.text = "\(timerCount)"

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        if timerCount <= 10.0{
            timerVar = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(0.1, target: self, selector: "isCounting", userInfo: nil, repeats:true)
        } else {


  • You need to put condition in the callback function and not on viewDidLoad which is only called once on the load.

    func isCounting() {
        timerCount += 0.1
        timer.text = "\(timerCount)"
        if timerCount >= 10.0 {