How do I get cfmodule to work with html files
Invalid template inc/nav.html provided for CFMODULE tag.
CFMODULE tag only supports including ColdFusion templates.
The error occurred in C:/inetpub/wwwroot/ColdDoc/strategy/api/resources/templates/overview-summary.html: line 28
Called from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/ColdDoc/strategy/AbstractTemplateStrategy.cfc: line 329
Called from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/ColdDoc/strategy/api/HTMLAPIStrategy.cfc: line 150
Called from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/ColdDoc/strategy/api/HTMLAPIStrategy.cfc: line 35
Called from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/ColdDoc/ColdDoc.cfc: line 37
Called from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/ColdDoc/run.cfm: line 10
26 : <BODY BGCOLOR="white" onload="windowTitle();">
27 :
28 : <cfmodule template="inc/nav.html"
29 : page="Overview"
30 : projectTitle= "#arguments.projectTitle#"
This seems to be a change in behavior from Adobe ColdFusion 9
Part 1
The short answer is ColdFusion won't do this anymore. <cfmodule>
is not like <cfinclude>
. There are no overrides.
Part 2
The software package I was using has been updated and is at . The new version does not have this issue.
Part 3
Like Leigh pointed out, it is posible to write a wrapper and have the wrapper pull in the .html
files with CFML