I'm using following category UIImageView+AFNetworking.h
from AFNetworking
in my app, its working fine, its caching photos for me and loads images smoothly.
At one point, I want to get an image which is already there in my cache.
So I dig up into above category class where I found following code, which I think – can be helpful.
Here's the snippet from it:
@implementation AFImageCache
- (UIImage *)cachedImageForRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request {
switch ([request cachePolicy]) {
case NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringCacheData:
case NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalAndRemoteCacheData:
return nil;
return [self objectForKey:AFImageCacheKeyFromURLRequest(request)];
- (void)cacheImage:(UIImage *)image
forRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request
if (image && request) {
[self setObject:image forKey:AFImageCacheKeyFromURLRequest(request)];
If you want me to add web version of this, it's already here.
I think, - (UIImage *)cachedImageForRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request
is the method which can return me my cached image.
But I'm not sure, how can I use it?
If I know Objective-C a bit, it's a kinda a "protocol"?
What I have tried so far is to use it like a protocol in one of my view controller. Like this:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@interface MyViewController : UIViewController<AFImageCache>
But then it is giving me following warnings:
I'm not sure how to resolve those warnings and get the image from cache? Or any other more appropriate way?
I assume you import UIImageView+AFNetworking.h header.
If you want to access to the cached image. You should have a NSURLRequest object. Then it is like this:
UIImage *image = [[UIImageView sharedImageCache] cachedImageForRequest:request];