Search code examples

Binary Search Tree insert not creating data on the heap even though the "new" keyword is used

Im having an issue with my code as its not inserting a node on the heap. I GDBed the code to see what was happening and i found out that its inserting the data correctly and making a node but after the function ends the node is destroyed and its reset to NULL. So I'm thinking that its not correctly being created on the heap but i use the "new" keyword so I'm pretty stumped. Anyways heres my code any help would be much appreciated.

int BST::insert(int data)
int isSuccess;
if(head == NULL)
    head = new BSTNode(data);
    return data;
    if(data < head->data)
        isSuccess = insertTreeNode(head->left,data);
    else if(data > head->data)
        isSuccess = insertTreeNode(head->right,data);
        return 0;

return isSuccess;

Here is a aux function

int BST::insertTreeNode(BSTNode* temp,int data)
int returnVal = data;
if(temp == NULL)
    temp = new BSTNode(data);
else if(data < temp->data)
    returnVal = insertTreeNode(temp->left,data);
else if(data > temp->data)
    returnVal = insertTreeNode(temp->right,data);
    returnVal = 0;
return returnVal;

Here is h file for BSTNode

#ifndef BSTNODE_H
#define BSTNODE_H
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class BSTNode
    BSTNode* left;
    BSTNode* right;
    int data;


Sorry about the formatting. Also head is a type BSTNode*


  • What's happening is that you are changing the pointer inside your function but it is not seen outside your function.

    Change your function signature to this:

    int BST::insertTreeNode(BSTNode * & temp,int data)

    I won't comment on any other portion of your code.