Im having an issue with my code as its not inserting a node on the heap. I GDBed the code to see what was happening and i found out that its inserting the data correctly and making a node but after the function ends the node is destroyed and its reset to NULL. So I'm thinking that its not correctly being created on the heap but i use the "new" keyword so I'm pretty stumped. Anyways heres my code any help would be much appreciated.
int BST::insert(int data)
int isSuccess;
if(head == NULL)
head = new BSTNode(data);
return data;
if(data < head->data)
isSuccess = insertTreeNode(head->left,data);
else if(data > head->data)
isSuccess = insertTreeNode(head->right,data);
return 0;
return isSuccess;
Here is a aux function
int BST::insertTreeNode(BSTNode* temp,int data)
int returnVal = data;
if(temp == NULL)
temp = new BSTNode(data);
else if(data < temp->data)
returnVal = insertTreeNode(temp->left,data);
else if(data > temp->data)
returnVal = insertTreeNode(temp->right,data);
returnVal = 0;
return returnVal;
Here is h file for BSTNode
#ifndef BSTNODE_H
#define BSTNODE_H
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class BSTNode
BSTNode* left;
BSTNode* right;
int data;
Sorry about the formatting. Also head is a type BSTNode*
What's happening is that you are changing the pointer inside your function but it is not seen outside your function.
Change your function signature to this:
int BST::insertTreeNode(BSTNode * & temp,int data)
I won't comment on any other portion of your code.