I am trying to load a CCITT T.3 compressed tiff into python, and get the pixel matrix from it. It should just be a logical matrix.
I have tried using pylibtiff and PIL, but when I load it with them, the matrix it returns is empty. I have read in a lot of places that these two tools support loading CCITT but not accessing the pixels.
I am open to converting the image, as long as I can get the logical matrix from it and do it in python code. The crazy thing is is that if I open one of my images in paint, save it without altering it, then try to load it with pylibtiff, it works. Paint re-compresses it to the LZW compression.
So I guess my real question is: Is there a way to either natively load CCITT images to matricies or convert the images to LZW using python??
It seems the best way is to not use Python entirely but lean on netpbm:
import Image
import ImageFile
import subprocess
tiff = 'test.tiff'
im = Image.open(tiff)
print 'size', im.size
print 'extrema', im.getextrema()
except IOError as e:
print 'help!', e, '\n'
print 'I Get by with a Little Help from my Friends'
pbm_proc = subprocess.Popen(['tifftopnm', tiff],
(pbm_data, pbm_error) = pbm_proc.communicate()
ifp = ImageFile.Parser()
im = ifp.close()
print 'conversion message', pbm_error,
print 'extrema', im.getextrema()
print 'size', im.size
# houston: we have an image
Seems to do the trick:
$ python g3fax.py
size (1728, 2156)
extrema help! decoder group3 not available
I Get by with a Little Help from my Friends
conversion message tifftopnm: writing PBM file
extrema (0, 255)
size (1728, 2156)