I'm using Cordova for create an App in Android and iOS, in iOS I did not have any problem, and the app is now in the App Store.
I have some questions for Android, because I am desperate...
I created the Project using cordova platform add android
, and the project created fine. I can load and compile, and all works fine, except the plugins... I have added the plugins correctly and works fine in iOS using the command cordova plugins add org.cordova...
Can someone tell me how I need to use the plugins in Android? Do I need include any .js (of course Cordova.js is include, but I don't know how exactly is my project using it, like a charm...).
I just can see an error in LogCat that say:
error adding plugin org.apache.cordova.inappbrowse
The app works, but the alerts is showing the typical alert of a browser and the links is open inside my App, I use it with this code:
$('a[target=_blank]').on('click', function(e) {
window.open($(this).attr('href'), '_system');
return false;
And for the notifications:
navigator.notification.alert("Hello!", null, "Title", "Close");
Can someone show me a way to solve the problem? An example?
Just for information... I have tried this very simple example (Link) in a new separate project and App and I have the some error... Maybe the error is in the Config.xml? How I need to use it for Android?
Thank you so much!!
Uninstall all plugins and reinstalling them again solved my problem.