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Use of private header from outside its module error in CPTBorderedLayer.m of CorePlot

I upgraded to a new laptop with El Capitan, XCode 7.1, and Cocoapods 0.39.0. When I check out an existing project that uses the CorePlot framework, run pod install, and build the project, I get the following error messages in the CPTBorderedLayer.m file of CorePlot:

Use of private header from outside its module: '_CPTBorderLayer.h'
Use of private header from outside its module: '_CPTMaskLayer.h'

Below is a snippet of my podfile:

platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'my_project' do
pod 'CorePlot', :git => ''

This project was compiling fine using Xcode 7.0 and cocoapods 0.37.2, but I'd really rather not downgrade everything unless there are no other options.


  • This error has something to do with the way CocoaPods sets up the framework project. A temporary fix is to remove the use_frameworks! line from the pod file to let it build the dependencies as a static library.

    Please report the problem on the Core Plot issue tracker and we'll see if this can be fixed.