Given a foo table, a bar table, and a foos_bars table, all three with id columns, the approach to getting bars with foos that the documentation would seem to imply is something like:
class Foo < ROM::Relation[:sql]
def with_foos_bars
qualified.inner_join(:foos_bars, foo_id: :id)
def with_bars
with_category_fixtures.qualified.inner_join(:categories, id: :bar_id)
However, #qualified only applies to the class, so this is actually just qualifying "Foo" twice, but we need to qualify at least two of the tables for a usable SQL query. The same seems to be the case for #prefix. Omitting #qualified and prefix simply leads to an ambiguous SQL query.
To clarify: the question is how does one join through a join table in Ruby Object Mapper?
You need to use symbol column names with Sequel naming conventions for now, so something like this:
class Foo < ROM::Relation[:sql]
def with_foos_bars
foos_bars, foos_bars__foo_id: foos__id
def with_bars
:categories, categories__id: :foos_bars__bar_id
The plan is to provide new interfaces that would simplify that, although I gotta say this simple naming conventions has been working well for me. Having said that, there's definitely place for improvements here.
I hope this helps.