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Automating Mail Merge

I need to dynamically generate word documents using text from an Access database table. The caveat here is that some of the text coming from the database will need to be modified into MergeFields. I am currently using Interop.Word (VBA Macro) and VB.NET to generate the document.

My steps so far look like this:

  1. Pull standard .docx Template
  2. Fill In template with pre-defined filler text from table
  3. Add MergeFields by replacing pieces of the filler text with actual mergefields
  4. Attach Datasource and execute Mail Merge

After testing, I noticed that I cannot simply store MergeFields into the access database as a string, they do not feed over into the actual document. What I am thinking then is creating a table of known strings that should be replaced with MergeFields by the coding.

For Example:

Step 2 will insert "After @INACTIVE_DATE@ your account will no longer be active." which will be in the database text.

Step 3 will find/replace @INACTIVE_DATE@ with a MergeField «INACTIVE_DATE». I am using Word Interop to do this, so theoretically I can loop through the document.

I wasnt able to do a "Find And Replace" from text to MergeField, so how should I go about implementing this?

Tagging VBA additionally as I am seeking a "VBA" style answer (Word Interop).


  • You've left out quite a lot of detail, so I'll go about answering this in somewhat general terms.

    What you want to do is definitely achievable. Two possible solutions immediately come to mind:

    1. Replacing ranges using Find
    2. Inserting tokens using TypeText

    Replacing ranges using Find

    Assuming the text has already been inserted, you can search the document for the given pattern and replace it with a merge field. For instance:

    Sub FindInsertMerge()
        Dim rng As Range
        Set rng = ActiveDocument.Range
        With rng.Find
            .Text = "(\@*\@)"
            .MatchWildcards = True
            If .Found Then
                ActiveDocument.MailMerge.Fields.Add rng, Mid(rng.Text, 2, Len(rng.Text) - 2)
            End If
        End With
    End Sub

    Will find the first occurence of text starting with @, matches any string and ends with @. The contents of the found range will then be replaced by a merge field. The code above can easily be extended to loop for all fields.

    Inserting tokens using TypeText

    While I would normally advice against using Selection to insert data, this solution makes things simple. Say you have a target range, rng, you tokenize the database text to be inserted, select the range, start typing and whenever a designated mail merge field is found, insert a field instead of the text.

    For instance:

    Private Sub InsertMergeText(rng As Range, txt As String)
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim t As String
        Dim tokens() As String
        tokens = Split(txt, " ")
        For i = 0 To UBound(tokens)
            t = tokens(i)
            If Left(t, 1) = "@" And Right(t, 1) = "@" Then
                'Insert field if it's a mail merge label.
                ActiveDocument.MailMerge.Fields.Add Selection.Range, Mid(t, 2, Len(t) - 2)
                'Simply insert text.
                Selection.TypeText t
            End If
            'Insert the whitespace we replaced earlier.
            If i < UBound(tokens) Then Selection.TypeText " "
    End Sub

    Call example:

    InsertMergeText Selection.Range, "After @INACTIVE_DATE@ your account will no longer be active which will be in the database text."