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Junction SQL Query back to First Table

I have some MS Access 2010 link tables that links back to the first table, like so:

    Item                LinkTable

[ ID       ]           [ ID        ]
[ ItemName ]-1-------*-[ FromItem  ]
[          ]-1-------*-[ ToItem    ]

Fig.1: FromItem and ToItem references 'Item.ID'

I would like to make a query that links together all three tables and display for example the follwoing fields

(from)Item.ItemName | LinkTable.ID | (to)Item.ItemName

I have tried the following SQL, but it complains about the second occurence of Item, with a message "Can't repeat table name "Item" in the FROM clause" in the expression "Item LEFT JOIN LinkTable" below:

Item LEFT JOIN LinkTable ON (LinkTable.ToItem =Item.ID)
ON (LinkTable.FromItem = Item.ID);

Q1: Why can't I link back to the "starting table" like this without causing an error message?

Q2: How should I define the Select fields in order to show both the from-ItemName and the to-ItemName without confusing them? (In the example I wrote "Select *" to simplify)

// Rolf


Based on the reply by @Andomar (below) I ended up with the following working code. I used INNER JOIN instead of LEFT JOIN in order to get only matching Items :

   SELECT fro.ItemName
   ,      lt.ID
   ,      to.ItemName
   FROM Item fro 
   INNER JOIN (LinkTable lt 
   INNER JOIN Item to ON lt.toItem = to.ID)
   ON fro.ID = lt.fromItem;


  • You can alias a table name. For example, this aliases the table Item to the alias i1:

    FROM   Item i1

    You can now use the same table again and use a different alias to identify it. Combining this with the parenthesis Access requires for multiple joins, you get:

    SELECT  i1.ItemName
    ,       i2.ItemName
    FROM (Item i1
    LEFT JOIN LinkTable lt ON lt.FromItem = i1.ID)
    LEFT JOIN item i2 ON i2.ID = lt.ToItem