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D3 Timeline CSV Data

I am using the d3 Timeline plugin ( and I finally got it to where the viz can read my data. However, I now need to make it so that all entries for a particular student show on the same line. The viz is currently displaying each entry separately.

CSV data looks like this:

Start,End,Student,Event Type,tooltip
2015-May-27 20:08:15,2015-May-27 20:08:21,Student 338,Pretest,Student 338 spent 00:00:06 on Biological Chemistry test.  Student scored 100%.
2015-May-27 20:08:21,2015-May-27 20:08:30,Student 338,Learning Path,Student 338 spent 00:00:09 on Biological Buffers Website.  
2015-May-27 20:08:30,2015-May-27 20:08:34,Student 338,Learning Path,Student 338 spent 00:00:04 on Organic Molecules Textbook.  
2015-May-27 20:08:34,2015-May-27 20:08:36,Student 338,Learning Path,Student 338 spent 00:00:03 on Nucleic Acid Structure and Function Textbook 2. 

The viz file looks like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function() {

  var width = 800;
  var height = 700;

  var parseDate = d3.time.format("%Y-%b-%d %H:%M:%S").parse; //With parseDate, I define what my time data looks like for d3
  d3.csv("", function(d){
    return {
        label : d.Student,
        eventType: d["Event Type"],
        times:[{"starting_time" : parseDate(d.Start),
                "ending_time" : parseDate(d.End)}], //the timeline plugin is looking for a times array of objects with these keys so they must be defined.
        info: d.tooltip
    }, function(data) {

    function timelineRect() {

    var colorScale = d3.scale.ordinal().range(['#ed5565','#ffce54','#48cfad','#5d9cec','#ec87c0','#ac92ec','#4fc1e9','#fc6e51','#a0d468','#656d78'])
        .domain(['Pretest','Learning Path','Supplemental Info','Questions','Test Me','Remedial Page','Search Query','Recommended Reading','Search Results','Practice Questions']);
    var chart = d3.timeline()
        .colors( colorScale )
        .stack(); //necessary to unstack all of the labels

    var svg ="#timeline1").append("svg").attr("width", width)



    <div id="timeline1"></div>


None of the examples define domain for this and, unfortunately, all of the example data is given in arrays, instead of from a CSV. How can I define the data so that each entry with the same student label will appear on the same timeline row?


  • Problem 1

    You are not grouping your csv data this can be done like this: What I mean is

    //this will do the grouping
       var k = d3.nest()
        .key(function(d) {
          return d.label;
      var b = [];
    //this will make it in the format expected by d3 time line
      k.forEach(function(d) {
        var ob = {};
        ob.label = d.key;
        ob.times = [];
        d.values.forEach(function(v) {
          ob.times.push(v.times);//collecting all the times
        ob.times = [].concat.apply([], ob.times);

    Problem 2

    You have to define the tick format

        format: d3.time.format("%d-%m"),
        tickInterval: 20,
        tickSize: 6

    Refer this for d3 time format

    Your data set is very close on seconds and so the rectangle are coming very small..:( i tried my level best to span it up.. best of luck with it :)

    Working code here

    Hope this helps!