I'm trying to change a character at indices x and y in a matrix made of ByteString
s to a different character. Initially, I used [[Char]]
to represent the matrix, so I was able to use .~
from Control.Lens.Setter
to change the value, but this doesn't seem to work for [ByteString]
Is there any way to use the lens or to modify the element without unpack
ing the ByteString
like I'm doing right now?
The code, right now, is:
render :: [[Char]] -> [Loc Int] -> [[Char]]
render maze [] = maze
render maze (Loc (x,y):locs) = render mutate locs
where mutate = element y . element x .~ '*' $ maze
Where Loc
is just:
newtype Loc a = Loc (a,a) deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)
This works for ByteStrings:
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Control.Lens
-- change character at position 2 to a space (ASCII code 32)
test = (BS.pack "abcdef") & ix 2 .~ 32
Note that ByteStrings are really containers of Word8 values, so that's we need to use the ASCII code here.
The ix
operator works for a lot of other data structures like Text, lists, Sets, Maps, etc -- see here for more details.