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How can I delete from xml in foreach?

I have xml file.

    <category id="132">kids</category>
    <category id="62" parentId="133">women</category>
    <category id="172" parentId="1">men</category>

    <material id="1">one</material>
    <material id="2">two</material>
    <material id="3">soon</material>


        <offer id="41850" available="true">
        <offer id="41850" available="true">
        <offer id="41850" available="true">
    <offer id="77777" available="true">
    <offer id="41340" available="true">

I need delete categories and materials. After that i need delete all offers which are not unique and write it to new xml file.

My problem. I can't delete not unique offers. Please help me! Thx. Here is my code.

 $url = 'test.xml';
$yml = simplexml_load_file($url);  

$itemid = '0'; 

foreach ($yml->shop->offers->offer as $item){
    $sravnit = $item['id'];  
    if("$sravnit" == "$itemid") {
        echo "$sravnit eq $itemid delete<br>";
    else {echo "$sravnit not eq $itemid ";
    $itemid = $sravnit;
    echo "itemid to - $itemid <br>"; 



  • This syntax doesn't make sense in multiple ways:

    1. <shop> is your root node and that is represented by $yml.
      So the path is $yml->offers->offer

    2. you can't select the <offer> with the id of $sravnit like this. It is wrong.
      Instead SimpleXml will select the nth node in a list like this:

          <drink id="2">beer</drink>
          <drink id="5">wine</drink>
          <drink id="0">water</drink>

      echo $xml->drink[2]; is water, I'm sorry. Check it: is a recommended read.

    3. use of unset(): see this answer Remove a child with a specific attribute, in SimpleXML for PHP for a good in-depth demonstration on how to combine xpath() and unset() to delete specific nodes with SimpleXml.

    In your case, you might first check for non-unique id-attributes in the <offer> nodes, and delete those in a second step.

    step #1: list of non-unique id

    1. Create an array of all id values with xpath() like this:

      $ids = $yml->xpath("//offer/@id");
    2. $idsis an array of SimpleXml-elements, use array_map() to convert to integer values:

      $ids = array_map("intval", $ids);
    3. To get the non-unique values of the array $ids:

      $ids = array_count_values($ids);

      will return an array with index = id and value = count:

      array(3) {
    4. a unique id has the value of 1, so let us delete all those:

      $ids = array_diff($ids, array(1));
    5. Now you have an array with all non-unique id, let's flip index and value:

      $ids = array_flip($ids);

      This is the result:

      array(1) {
    6. Summary: let's write all previous steps in two lines:

      $ids = $yml->xpath("//offer/@id");
      $ids = array_flip(array_diff(array_count_values(array_map("intval", $ids)), array(1)));

    step #2: delete all <offer> with their id attribute in $ids:
    I will use xpath() to select the node, and unset() to delete it:

    foreach ($ids as $id) {
        foreach ($xml->xpath("//offer[@id='$id']") as $item)
            unset ($item[0]);

    See it in action: