I'm building a pyramid application using mako templates.
How can I make a function be accessible in all my mako templates without having to <%namespace />
a file in each and every template?
Not that having to add the namespace tag is bad per se, but in this case I'm trying to add a filter function (for markdown processing). That does not belong in a template file, but is more of a library thing and belongs in a .py file.
I want to write this in my mako template:
<div class="main-content">
{page_content | markdown }
To state that page_content
contains markdown code and should be processed as such.
As requested by @kratenko you can use a BeforeRender subscriber as detailed here
You can add the following subscriber in your view
def add_base_template(event):
request = event.get('request')
if request.user:
base = 'myapp:templates/logged_in_layout.mako'
event.update({'base': base})
base = 'myapp:templates/layout.mako'
event.update({'base': base})
And in your mako template call it like so:
<%inherit file="${context['base']}" />