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Capybara not following javascript redirection after select

I have a simple select tag:

  <strong>Choose: </strong><%= select_tag(:topic_id,  options_for_select([
          ['Spells', spells_path],
          ['Traits', traits_path],
          ['Clans', clans_path],
          ['Skills', skills_path]])) %>

And I have an coffeescript redirector:

$(document).on 'change','#topic_id', ->

By hand everything works great but when I try to test it with capybara it won`t fallow the redirect after select.

feature "legend school page" do
  background do
    visit legend_path
    select('Schools', from: 'topic_id' )

  scenario "it should have right topic" do
    expect(page).to have_title "Schools"

From what I have read capybara should use javascript, and it should work like this. But I just start learning, so I am probably wrong.


  • The default driver for Capybara is racktest which doesn't support JS. You'll need to use a js capable driver for your test to work - see drivers