I need to create a file without namespace and using UTF-8 No BOM to allow a WMS to read the file. (I needed to add the namespace for the mapping because the target schema isn't unique)
I created a custom send pipeline that assembles the XML and then removes the namespace (Using the ESB Remove Namespace component)
I have set it up in a way that i would assume the BOM should be removed but when i check the outbound file, it has changed to an ANSI file (but i specifically say the encoding is UTF-8 in the pipeline component)
Am i doing something wrong? is there a better alternative to this?
The pipeline component is probably working fine and already doing its job of removing the BOM and encoding to UTF-8.
Your second screenshot shows Notepad++. The "Encode in" feature of Notepad++ lets you display the content of your file in a particular encoding.
However it is not an Encoding detector. Detecting an Encoding can be a difficult task, especially when the file has no BOM because some encoding have similarities (example: UTF-8's 128 first characters are the same as ASCII).
Does your input file actually contain any character encoded in a way unique to UTF-8? That could be a good test.