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PhpStorm Xdebug interrupts after a while with 500 Internal Server Error

I'm new to PhpStorm. I tried to use debugging for debuggin a Webpage and I configured it After starting the debugger, it works for 40 seconds and then I get on the browser "500 Internal Server Error"

At this question Xdebug interrupts the running of PHP script they suggested to clear the watches. But in my Debugger there are no watches. I use the PhpStorm with Ubuntu 14.04 and the web page is running on Apache

I used Eclipse before and I did not had this problem with XDebug.

Do someone has an idea?


  • Thanks to user LazeOne (who added a comment) I found the solution.

    I added to my apache configuration (/etc/apache2/apache2.conf) the following line FcgidIOTimeout 600 # for 10 minutes

    and the debugger does not interrupt for the next 10 minutes