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PHP - dollarsign in file path

How to access files with a $-sign in a network share?


Tried escaping the backslashes, but my guess is that it's the dollarsign that creates problems?


Okay - here goes. On the server there is this file :


If I want to check for a wildcard match like 'file*' my code looks this this :

$filecheck = '\\server\data$\file*';
## (also tried escaping \ : $filecheck = '\\\\server\\data$\\file*';
$check = glob($filecheck);

It does not match.


  • You have not added enough backslashes for the UNC part, also its safest to escape the escape char so always use \\ for one backslash.


    $filecheck = '\\\\server\data$\file*';

    It also works for me using

    $filecheck = '\\\\servers\\data$\\file*';