I have an LWRP that downloads a file as part of its step, and I want to use that to indicate if the resource has changed
action: install do
# some other stuff here
remote_file "/some/file" do
source node[:mycookbook][:source_file]
mode 00755
action :create
notifies :run, 'ruby_block[set_status]', :immediately
ruby_block 'set_status' do
block do
And in my cookbook my I have:
my_provider do
# configure
notifies :run, 'something_else', :immediately
It doesn't seem to matter if the remote_file runs or not, something_else
is not notified, but I'm not sure why.
I'm not sure you can delay new_resource.updated_by_last_action
using a ruby_block (you're trying to run it outside the execution of your provider?). Since your provider action is running at converge time already, I wouldn't normally use a ruby block here. I'd do something like:
action: install do
# some other stuff here
some_file = remote_file "/some/file" do
source node[:mycookbook][:source_file]
mode 00755
action :nothing
notifies :run, 'ruby_block[set_status]', :immediately
new_resource.updated_by_last_action(true) if some_file.updated_by_last_action?
The other benefit of calling run_action
on remote_file
immediately is that you're no longer using the DSL to create and add the remote_file
resource to the resource collection, and then waiting for chef to converge it at some future time (and then waiting for your ruby_block after that). You're converging the resource you care about right then & there, and checking to see if it was changed (and updating your custom resource accordingly).