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Adding Handler using 'AddressOf'

When trying to add an event handler to a dynamically created button I get an an error:

Dim Itm As New Button
Itm.Name = "Itm" & i
Itm.Height = 62
Itm.Width = 159
Itm.Text = Temp(i, 0).ToUpper
Itm.Left = (F * 165)
Itm.Visible = True
Itm.BackColor = Colour
Itm.ForeColor = Color.Black
AddHandler Itm.Click, AddressOf Me.Itm_Click
i = i + 1
If i > Temp.Length - 1 Then
    GoTo Exit1
End If

I get an error on the AddressOf line:

"Item_Click is not a member of windowsapplication1.main"

I feel this is because I have set the name to be "Itm" & i but using AddressOf Me.Itm(i)_Click also presents an error. Any thoughts?


  • You have to declare the event handler Itm_Click and it must be accessible.

    For example (presuming that your array Temp exists somewhere):

    Public Class Demo
        Protected Sub Itm_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 
        End Sub
        Public Sub DemoMethod()
            For i As Int32 = 1 To Temp.Length - 1
                Dim Itm As New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
                Itm.Name = "Itm" & i
                Itm.Height = 62
                Itm.Width = 159
                Itm.Text = Temp(i, 0).ToUpper
                Itm.Left = (F * 165)
                Itm.Visible = True
                Itm.BackColor = Colour.White
                Itm.ForeColor = Color.Black
                AddHandler Itm.Click, AddressOf Me.Itm_Click
        End Sub
    End Class

    You can use this event handler for all dynamically created buttons. You get the button that was clicked from the sender argument:

    Protected Sub Itm_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 
        Dim actualButton = Ctype(sender, System.Windows.Forms.Button)
        Dim name = actualButton.Name
    End Sub