I have a shell script code, which can run on any one of the 6 servers and one file gets updated. But I need to maintain a common file to get the most updated changes in the file and apply certain logic on the latest file. So, I want to know the current server name where it is running at that particular moment?
Here is my code, I have fixed a abc.com server my common server where I am saving the file and next time I am retrieving the file from it. But I also need the current server name, as some operations need to be done based on current server. So, I just want to add one line of code which gives me back the current server where it is running.
# This code copies the file with latest changes to a common location.
# backlog.txt is my file name
echo - removing the old files , if any
rm $server_name:/home/backlog.txt
echo "$server_name to copy the file"
scp /location/backlog.txt $server_name:/home/
echo "Copy complete."
exit 0
And this:
# This code copies back the common file from common server location "abc" and then make the changes into it. As I always need to work on the latest file.
echo - removing the old files , if any
rm /location/backlog.txt
echo "Copying the files from $server_name to local server..."
scp $server_name:/home/backlog.txt /location/
echo "Copy Complete"
exit 0
utility usually does what you need.