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Which cloud service to be used for enabling Push notification services (WNS) -WINDOWS PHONE 8.1?

Developed hybrid application using IBM mobile First studio as per windows phone application 8 is concerned I have upgraded this to Windows phone 8.1 using Visual Studio 2013.

In order to add push notification concept(WNS) to my application. Followed the following steps

  1. Imported project to VS 2013 --> Re targeted to 8.1
  2. Opened Package.appmanifest.xml --> Application Tab --> Toast Capable-->Enabled(yes)
  3. Lock screen notifications --> Enabled(Yes)
  4. Opened WMAppManifest.xml --> ID_CAP_PUSH_NOTIFICATION --> Enabled
  5. Selected WNS as the notification service in app’s Package.appxmanifest file.
  6. This is the architecture I am following.

Where else should I modify my Java coding to make it Push Enabled application.

Also what kind of cloud service should I use in here? Currently I have researched about AZURE mobile services will this be the only one, since it is recommended by Microsoft in my DEVELOPER DASH BOARD.


  • As mentioned by Vivin, in MobileFirst you cannot use WNS for the Windows Phone 8 environment.

    First change your configuration to use MPNS as the MobileFirst user documentation dictates and open a new question if you have any additional issues after changing the configuration.