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Update RestKit 'lcl_RK.h' file not found in RKLog.h

I install RestKit v0.25.0 with CocoaPods v0.39 in Xcode 7.1 and have problem with imports. When I used CocoaPods v0.38.2 everything was amazing.
"RKHTTPUtilities.h" file not found. It solves after set recursive in headers search path for "${PODS_ROOT}/Headers/Public/RestKit". But I get this error 'lcl_RK.h' file not found in RKLog.h.

I also try do this.


  • I found only one not the best way. Add "$(PODS_ROOT)/RestKit/Vendor/LibComponentLogging/Core" in headers search path for project target.

    Explain: lcl_RK.h file is in folder path RestKit/Vendor/LibComponentLogging/Core, all other files in folder RestKit/Code/. When CocoaPods generates Headers folder, it misses lcl_RK.h file.