I'm having quite a difficult time trying to use LineTraceSingle
to detect a hit.
void ACustomActor::Tick(float DeltaTime){
bool isHit = world->LineTraceSingle(HitResult, start, endV,
traceParams, FCollisionObjectQueryParams(ECC_WorldStatic));
My understanding is this is sending out a line from the starting point to the ending point and trying to discover the first "block" (hit) event from an object of type WorldStatic
I am drawing a debug line with the following code:
DrawDebugLine(GetWorld(), start, endV, FColor::Blue, true, 1.0F, (uint8)'\000', 5.0f);
This is working, and I can see my line going through a wall.
As you can see above, the object type of this wall is indeed WorldStatic
and it blocks all collisions.
What am I doing wrong?
needs to be GetWorld()
I was saving a reference to the UWorld* pointer in my Actor's constructor, like so:
PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;
world = GetWorld();
The problem is GetWorld()
returns NULL here! I'm surprised there wasn't any errors thrown actually...
To prevent this from happening this call should be somewhere else, like BeginPlay()
void AForceField::BeginPlay()
world = GetWorld();
But once I actually looked up GetWorld()
, I saw it was a "getter for the cached world pointer". So there's really no point in saving that to a variable.
Don't save GetWorld()
to a variable.