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webstorm unresolved function or method for npm azure-storage (all azure modules)

WebStorm IDE having some issues with azure-storage intelligent coding does not find methods for that library (but the code works fine when executed).

image of unresolved function or method

Thank you in advance!


  • Per my experience, some issues for code completion or highlight hint not always mean the code exists errors, especially for Dynamic Language like JavaScript.

    I tried to reproduce your issues, and I found some interesting things.

    After I writed the code var azureStorage = require('azure-storage'), the code completion for the symbol azureStorage could not display the function suggestions for azure-storage module. WebStorm regard the varable azureStorage as a normal object, see below.

    enter image description here

    However, the code completion for any undeclared symbol will display all functions of all modules depended on the project after I commented the code var azureStorage = require('azure-storage'), see below. It seems that WebStorm default bind all functions of all modules with undeclared symbols automatically.

    enter image description here

    Although we can use the code completion in this way, the require code must be required when the code works.

    For more details about Auto-completing code, you can refer to