I'd like to use the POST verb to perform actions on a VM with flask-restplus, but it always results in a 400 when there is no body.
'vmActionId': fields.Integer(required=True, description='The vmActionId of the VmAction'),
'vmId': fields.Integer(required=True, description='The vmId of the VmAction'),
'status': fields.String(required=True, description='The status of the VmAction',
'actionType': fields.String(required=True, description='The actionType of the VmAction',
enum=['STOP', 'RESTART']),
'createdAt': fields.DateTime(required=True,
description='The createdAt datetime of the VmAction'),
'completedAt': fields.DateTime(required=True,
description='The completedAt datetime of the VmAction'),
@vms_ns.route('/<int:vmId>/stop', endpoint='vmStop')
class VmStopView(Resource):
Stop a VM
@api.marshal_with(VM_ACTION_MODEL, code=202)
@api.doc(id='stopVm', description='Stop a Vm')
def post(self, vmId):
# do stuff
return vmAction, 202
The result is 400 { "message": "The browser (or proxy) sent a request that this server could not understand." }
If I simply change from post to get, it works fine. BUT, I really want to use the POST verb for this, because thats the standard verb I need to follow for custom non-CRUD actions. Have I painted myself into a corner with flask-restplus?
Note: for operations that require a body, it works fine. Its only bodyless flask-restplus post operations that 400 error on empty body.
If you're setting the content-type to application/json
I think you're body should be at least {}
If you want to submit an empty payload, just remove the content-type header.
I think this is exactly this issue (which I'm trying to figure out): https://github.com/noirbizarre/flask-restplus/issues/84