I am doing a project that proves some properties of Regular expressions. Here is part of my code
here means derives, Regexp ⇨ word
means a Regexp can derive a word
Σ : Set
Σ* : List Σ
Below defines the case when the concatenation e₁ ∙ e₂
can derive a word w
if e₁ ⇨ w₁
, e₂ ⇨ w₂
and w ≡ w₁ ++ w₂
data _⇨_ : RegExp Σ → Σ* → Set where
con : {e₁ e₂ : RegExp Σ}{w w₁ w₂ : Σ*} → w ≡ w₁ ++ w₂ → e₁ ⇨ w₁ → e₂ ⇨ w₂ → e₁ ∙ e₂ ⇨ w
This is proving that if w ≡ w₁ ++ []
and (e₁ cannot derives w₁) than (e₁.e₂ cannot derive w)
¬e₁∙e₂⇨xs[]ˡ : {e₁ e₂ : RegExp Σ}{w w₁ : Σ*} → w ≡ w₁ ++ [] → ¬ (e₁ ⇨ w₁) → ¬ (e₁ ∙ e₂ ⇨ w)
¬e₁∙e₂⇨xs[]ˡ refl ¬e₁⇨w₁ (con {w₂ = []} refl e₁⇨w₁ e₂⇨[]) = ¬e₁⇨w₁ e₁⇨w₁
However, the refl
in the con refl e₁⇨w₁ e₂⇨[]
does not type check, because Agda cannot unify the w₁
in ¬e₁∙e₂⇨xs[]ˡ
with the w₁
in ¬ (e₁ ∙ e₂ ⇨ w)
The error message is here:
w₁ != w₂ of type List Σ
when checking that the pattern refl has type w₁ ++ [] ≡ w₂ ++ []
Any help will be appreciated!
After you pattern-match on w ≡ w₁ ++ []
you are doomed, because w
gets unified with w₁ ++ []
, e₁ ∙ e₂ ⇨ w
becomes e₁ ∙ e₂ ⇨ w₁ ++ []
and you can't pattern-match on that.
is not injective and w₁ ++ [] ≡ w₁' ++ w₂'
doesn't entail w₁ ≡ w₁' × [] ≡ w₂'
— in general there are other ways to unify those two expressions.
Your lemma is isomorphic to
¬e₁∙e₂⇨xs[]ˡ : {e₁ e₂ : RegExp Σ}{w : Σ*} → ¬ (e₁ ⇨ w) → ¬ (e₁ ∙ e₂ ⇨ w)
which looks false to me.
See here for a similar problem.