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Restart node when dust template changes

I'm using nodemon to restart node when files change. It works fine when modifying .js files, but doesn't restart when modifying public/templates/index.dust file.

The .nodemonignore file had a /public/* entry, which I removed, but still can't get nodemon to restart on .dust file changes. Ideas?


  • Nodemon only looks for certain extensions by default. From

    By default, nodemon looks for files with the .js, .coffee, .litcoffee, and .json extensions. If you use the --exec option and monitor nodemon will monitor files with the extension of .py. However, you can specify your own list with the -e (or --ext) switch like so:

    So what I have to do is launch nodemon with switch like this: -e js,dust or modify the nodemon.json file's ext property to include dust