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Is it possible to define Omega combinator (λx.xx) in modern Haskell?

Stack! Is it possible to define Omega combinator (λx.xx) in modern Haskell? I suppose, Haskell98's type system is designed to make things like this impossible, but what about modern extensions?


  • No, but sort of. The thing to appreciate here is that Haskell supports unrestricted recursion in newtype declarations. By the semantics of Haskell, a newtype is an isomorphism between the type being defined and its implementation type. So for example this definition:

    newtype Identity a = Identity { runIdentity :: a }

    ...asserts that the types Identity a and a are isomorphic. The constructor Identity :: a -> Identity a and the observer runIdentity :: Identity a -> a are inverses, by definition.

    So borrowing the Scott type name from svenningsson's answer, the following definition:

    newtype Scott = Scott { apply :: Scott -> Scott }

    ...asserts that the type Scott is isomorphic to Scott -> Scott. So you while you can't apply a Scott to itself directly, you can use the isomorphism to obtain its Scott -> Scott counterpart and apply that to the original:

    omega :: Scott -> Scott
    omega x = apply x x

    Or slightly more interesting:

    omega' :: (Scott -> Scott) -> Scott
    omega' f = f (Scott f)

    ...which is a fixpoint combinator type! This trick can be adapted to write a version of the Y combinator in Haskell:

    module Fix where
    newtype Scott a = Scott { apply :: Scott a -> a }
    -- | This version of 'fix' is fundamentally the Y combinator, but using the
    -- 'Scott' type to get around Haskell's prohibition on self-application (see
    -- the expression @apply x x@, which is @x@ applied to itself).  Example:
    -- >>> take 15 $ fix ([1..10]++)
    -- [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5]
    fix :: (a -> a) -> a
    fix f = (\x -> f (apply x x)) (Scott (\x -> f (apply x x)))