In my code I take advantage of the ability to disable and enable style tags to hide/show optgroup tags and their option tags. However when hiding optgroups this way in Microsoft Edge, it places a blank line instead of no line at all.
An example:
<optgroup class="my-option" label="truck">
<option class="business">Business truck</option>
<style id="enable_disable">
.my-option {display: none; visibility:hidden;}
Then, in my javascript code I hide the optgroup this way:
document.getElementById('enable_disable').media = 'all';
To show the optgroup I do this:
document.getElementById('enable_disable').media = 'disable';
The same thing occurs if I do this just for the "business" class, except the user can select the option, he or she just can't see text, just a blank line.
Edit: Here is a working example of what I am doing. You can see that it behaves the same in all browsers except for edge.
Using CSS to hide the children of a <select>
element is not advisable (for now, at least). The results will be different across all major browsers. If you wish to remove an option, or a set of options, you should actually remove them with JavaScript.
Some inconsistencies between major browsers:
If you maintain a reference to the removed element, moving it around is trivial.