I converted a raster to a dataframe by rasterToPoints, then converted it back to raster using rasterFromXYZ. An unexpected blank line appeared on the second raster as shown below. Any way to avoid this?
For example you can do (reproducible example)
f <- system.file("external/test.grd", package="raster")
r <- raster(f)
v <- as.matrix(r)
v <- v * 2
x <- setValues(r, v)
But in most cases it is not advisable to go this route as you can do almost any operation on the Raster objects themselves.
With your data I do:
r <- raster("bv2.tif")
x <- rasterToPoints(r)
z <- rasterFromXYZ(x)
e <- extent(-121.4,-114.6,49,50.4)
zoom(z, e)
And there is no white line. Zooming in further does not show an irregularity either. So this may be a problem with the tool you used to produce your maps.
This is confirmed by
sum(values(z) != values(r), na.rm=TRUE)
# [1] 0
cellStats(r, 'countNA')
# [1] 2130763
cellStats(z, 'countNA')
# [1] 2130763